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CS Fundamentals


Introduction to Programming (Pick this or Dr. Mostafa below)How to Code - Simple Data & How to Code - Complex DataLink
Programming with a PurposeLink
Programming Languages (PL).Programming Languages, Part A, Programming Languages, Part B & Programming Languages, Part CLink
Introduction to Programming + Programming Languages + OOP + Problem-SolvingMastering 4 Critical Skills using C++ 17 by Prof. Mostafa SaadLink
Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA).Princeton Algorithms Course Part 1 & Princeton Algorithms Course Part 2Link
Problem-Solving (PS). (Pick one)Neetcode 150TBD
Operating Systems (OS).UW-Madison CS-537: Introduction to Operating SystemsLink
Databases (DB).CMU 15-445/645: Database SystemsLink
Discrete Mathematics.TBDTBD

CS Fundamentals Explanation

Essential knowledge for all subfields (career paths). Similar to Gen-Ed.

Background Info

  1. Designed & backed up by:
    1. Prof. Mostafa Saad Ibrahim's Videos (Arabic): Roadmap 1 & 2, Why to follow roadmap.
    2. SRE Mohamed Moshrif's Video (Arabic):Roadmap & Old Roadmap & Very old Roadmap, Why to follow roadmap, Miscellaneous Info 1 & 2.
    3. Teach Yourself CS.
    4. Note: They say same thing. They are not alternatives.
  2. Community provides courses, materials & tutoring for the roadmap in real-time in addition to group studying.


  1. Programming Languages (PL).
  2. Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA).
  3. Problem-Solving (PS).
  4. Operating Systems (OS).
  5. Data Bases (DB).
  6. Networks.
  7. Discrete Mathematics.

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